Our School Build
The Story so far

We began the journey in 1996 when discussions opened with the Department of Education and Skills (Dept.) on an anticipated increase in the number of classrooms our school would require. At this time, while our numbers were remaining constant, the Pupil-Teacher ratio was dropping. Because of our school size, each drop of one in the PT Ratio would give our school an additional teacher. In 1997 we requested additional permanent classrooms but a feasibility study determined that the present school building could not be raised. In 1998 we were given permission to install the ”dreaded” portacabins. (They seemed a good proposal at that point given that we were told that a new building would start within 2 years). Of course, things don't always turn out as promised. In the intervening 18 years, we have been through 3 design
proposals, up many cul-de-sacs, looked into green fields, ploughed brown fields, been on lists and off lists. Indeed we even had two floods, which is strange in one of the highest schools in Ireland. But all that is in the past. The diggers arrived on site on the first of July, 2017 and we moved into the first phase of our building in November 2018.
Why did it take so long:
While we waited on the sidelines, we looked with envy at the many schools on the fast-tracked schools, the design and build
schools and indeed, the generic designs, which seem to spawn like mushrooms overnight - not yet conceived one day, occupied the next. Many have asked why it has taken so long, and rightly so. One of the big problems was the nature of the site, with its steep rise and its restricted size. Three different design proposals were put forward but each was turned down by either Department of Education and Skills or the Planners. Indeed a year’s delay was incurred with the present design being sent to An Bord Pleanala. But, we're moving forward now - fingers crossed there be no more obstacles. From the start of construction to occupation will take less than 24 months - roll on 2018.
It took a little longer.. but some of the classes moved to the new school in November 2019 and the remainder in September 2020.

New school pictures
Get ready to learn, our new school is here!