Student Council
Student Council 2021-2022
Student Council 2019-2020

St. Oliver Plunkett School holds that the pupils should play an active, positive role in the life of the school and we believe that our Student Council helps to achieve this.
Our School’s Student Council is comprised of two representatives (one male, one female) from each class from fifth and sixth and two representing the Reading Classes.
The role of the student council is to:
• provide an opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life
• discuss issues relevant to the school and encourage and promote initiatives from the pupils
• offer an opportunity for all pupils to voice their opinions on proposed changes and thereby play a very important role in
i improving our school
• act as a channel for communication within the school, between pupils and between home and school
• encourage pupils and thereby their parents to organise events central to the life of the school
• provide an opportunity to raise funds for charities or our school equipment fund.
Through our Student Council, we hope to give the pupils a positive role in the organisation of the school and thus ensure they feel they are listened to and respected for their ideas and concerns and these are both valued and valuable. It involves the pupils in many of the decisions, which are made regarding the day-to-day running and management of the school. Discussions in classes and at the Council meetings helps to develop social and learning skills in many areas such as speaking and listening, problem-solving and decision-making and the decision-making process.
From time to time the Student Council will discuss, make suggestions and decisions on topics such as:

School News
In addition to their role in communication and problem solving, the Student Council will act as agents for the School News, as journalists and reporters, editors, production assistants and distributors. It is hoped that this will make the School News more child-centred and orientated. They also provide suggestions and material for the school web page and learn the process of constructing the page.
Each September the children in their classes elect the new members of the Student Council. Each class elects two members, one male and one female. Each pupil seeking election puts his or her name forward and candidates must have the approval of their class teacher. They are pupils who have a good attitude to school and to work. Prior to the election, the classes will be encouraged to discuss the information pack given to them before the children can stand for election.
The pupils elected are required to be actively involved in the Council, to attend meetings regularly and participate in activities and be a role model for other pupils. As well as bringing matters to the council for discussion, the representative is required to report the outcome of meetings to their own class and occasionally to other younger classes.

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