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Our School Uniform

The school uniform was introduced to the school at the request of parents. A school uniform helps a child feel part of the school. It develops self-discipline and it also helps to prevent undesirable competition in clothes, especially amongst older children. The outfits have been carefully chosen, after consultation with parents, to be practical and to avoid unnecessary expense. The proper colours cost no more than others and are readily available from department stores. The uniform should be worn during school hours and for all school activities.
A crested tracksuit, wine with blue piping, and a crested blue polo shirt and polo neck are available through the school. These can be substituted for the uniform during construction of our new school.. 
The school uniform consists of:-


Blue shirt or crested blue polo shirt

Wine cardigan /jumper/crested
Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers 

Wine Tie (optional){NOTE: with or without a blue stripe}



Blue shirt OR crested blue polo shirt 

Wine jumper/crested tracksuit top

Grey trousers 

Wine Tie (option-){NOTE: with or without a blue stripe}


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