Book Rental Scheme & School Charges
Read all the way before reaching Booklist. At the beginning of the school year, each family is asked to pay a charge to the school to cover various expenses. This is not a voluntary contribution and every child must take part in order for the system to work. The money raised through the scheme is necessary to cover all the costs incurred in delivering a state of the art service in our school. Following requests from parents, we have now set up an online payments system. Of course, parents may pay directly to the school if that is more convenient. This year there are still a number of payments outstanding. Families will be reminded by email if they have overlooked this payment. Where there are extenuating circumstances parents should speak to the Principal in confidence, and the online system of payment facilitates payment by instalment which allows families to spread the payments over the year. Every last cent of this is spent on the children as follows:
Pupil‘s Personal Insurance 24hr 365 days
Sundry Services and Utilities
Pupil’s First Aid Training & Supplies
All Materials for art and craft
All photocopying expenses
All site licenses for programmes on
Interactive Whiteboards
ICT including updating apps on iPods and iPads and Microsoft Surface.
Assessment including mandatory Maths and English Standardised Tests
PE Equipment
Classroom resources for all curricular areas

Section of guided reading library
Guided Reading Books:
We now have more than two thousand books in our Guided Reading Library. By participating in the guided reading programme, children can access a range of books of various genres, both fact and fiction. Teachers can ensure that each child is reading books suitable for his or her ability. Children enjoy reading in smaller, more informal groups. It is hoped that reading such a vast array of books will have a positive effect on children’s reading abilities, and will nurture a love of books from an early age.